The latest info...

*** Ventilation and folding of reserve parachutes =>>>
*** Samedi 23 mars 2024 ***
Nous avons l'autorisation de lancer nos parachutes de secours sur le stade de foot du village de La Chapelle du Bois des Faulx, et avons aussi une réservation de la bibliothèque pour les pliages.
Possibilité de gonflages sur le stade si le temps le permet.
Bienvenue à tous, membres FELA, FFVL. . . (RCA à jour)
Évidemment le beau temps sera de la partie !
Rendez-vous donc à partir de 10h00.
*** Take-off ban Les Vaches Noires ***
The access to the takeoff site Les Vaches Noires in Villers sur Mer is temporarily prohibited due to a landslide.
Download the prohibition order and photos
Let's strictly abide by this order for a possible reopening of this site.
* * * Reminder message to Le Havre airport rule below * * *
Let's remember that we are operating within a Controlled Traffic Region (CTR).
The maximum altitude allowed is 200m, and a radio is mandatory and must be loaded and turned on to the Free Flight frequency (143.9875 MHz).
According to the protocol negotiated by the FFVL's airspaces referent for our region, authorization from the control tower at the airport ( is required before taking off.
Authorization is granted for half a day if the ceiling is at least 1500 feet and visibility is a minimum of 8 km.
Radio is mandatory: The tower must be able to reach you at any time on 143.9875 MHz
(This frequency is reserved for emergencies, please do not use it for personal conversations.)
More info on the Vinkings Vol Libre website
* Here is the message regarding a report published on March 6, 2016 *
Around 1:30 PM today, an aircraft from the HAVRE aeroclub returning from a local flight informed us of paragliding activity at an altitude of approximately 1500-2000 feet in the Cauville area. From the lookout, it did indeed appear to be at a considerable height.
In accordance with the protocol, could you please remind users of the authorized upper limit for Saint Andrieu, which is 200 meters above mean sea level (660 feet AMSL).
We appreciate your acknowledgment of this message,
Thank you for your cooperation, and we remain at your disposal if needed.
Best regards,
HAVRE Airport